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Are We Possibly Too Evolved for Evolution To Be True?

I was thinking on my way home from errands, so this is not a well-developed thought, but may be seeds that grow into something... who knows.

In considering evolution, I have always wondered about the overachievement in only our species (our species being humanity). Why introspection? Why hospitals, universities, art, cities and roads?

If mere survival, the most blind and unsophisticated invisible "force," drives all life, we certainly seem to have reached well beyond its explanatory scope and power. Why contemplate meaning, morality and purpose? Why think at all beyond instinct, appetite, stimulus and response?

It seems to me we have raced headlong down a road on an empty tank. How is that possible? Survival doesn't get us very far down the road. As "fuel," it should have run out long ago. Yet we keep moving, almost as if borne along by something else... for something else.

I'm not the brightest bulb in the knife drawer, but it seems to me that mankind is too overly developed to be explained by evolution. Don't get me wrong, I'm familiar with the typical arguments used to rebut evolution. I just think this might possibly be one more angle from which to argue against the theory of evolution.

Seems funny to me that all other animal life has just enough instinct to feed itself, shelter itself, defend itself, and procreate itself - nothing beyond that.

Yet humanity hungers for knowledge about every square inch of this planet and the living things with which we share it. Humanity seeks to project itself into the far reaches of the known universe and has done so vicariously so far but with human trials soon to follow I am sure. Humanity possesses concepts like honor, nobility and courage. From the standpoint of evolution, it all seems rather... excessive... to me. But what do I know? I'm sure someone really, really smart has figured it out, and I just haven't gotten the memo yet.

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Montgomery, AL, USA


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