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What Good Is the Suffering I Endure?

1. To the Christian, probably the most obvious good that comes from suffering is repentance. Many times after suffering, nations and individuals turn back to God.

2. That God may manifest His power. It is not always payment for sins; sometimes it is so that the works of God may be displayed in or through him.

3. To remove a cause for boasting.

4. To demonstrate genuine faith to Satan. Like Job, he who stands firm in his faith while yet suffering is an affront to the fallen angels that rebelled against God.

5. To demonstrate the Body of Christ concept. Occasionally, God may afflict someone to show others that believers must help one another.

6. Sanctification of the righteous. Virtuous sufferers’ faith can be refined as they grow more Christ like, develop intimacy with God and imitate Christ’s example for others in light of unjust suffering.

7. Promote ministry that is possible through suffering. For example, the loss of my wife may afford me the opportunity to more appropriately minister to someone suffering a similar loss.

8. To prepare us for further trials. Progressively worse trials can make us ready for more serious trials that would have crushed us had they come sooner.

9. To prepare believers for the judgment of their works for rewards. If in suffering we become more Christ like, then we will build a life that is pleasing to God. How we handle the trials that come will prepare us for the day we are judged for our perseverance under fire.

10. As a basis for exalting believers. The humbling that comes from affliction often precedes exaltation. Christ is the perfect example.

11. Finally, to bring a believer home. Sometimes, God is just ready to have His son or His daughter at home with Him. While difficult to accept sometimes, as Christians we know that “to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21)

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