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How Can A Loving God Exist at the Same Time There Is So Much Evil and Suffering in the World?
When I was teaching Sunday school, I did a series of classes using Lee Strobel's works. The following is from The Case for Faith. While...
Defending the Traditional Doctrine of Hell: Part 4
Traditionalism at a Glance I believe the traditional doctrine of hell is well enough understood that I will not spend a great deal of...
Defending the Traditional Doctrine of Hell: Part 3
Conditional Immortality Conditional Immortality - or “conditionalism,” “annihilationism,” “extinctionism,” or “terminalism” - “is the...
Defending the Traditional Doctrine of Hell: Part 2
Universalism Evangelical universalism - or “universal reconciliation” or “restorationism” - is the view that God intends to save every...
Defending the Traditional Doctrine of Hell: Part 1
Introduction In his introduction to The Other Side of the Good News, Larry Dixon says, “Today’s ‘kinder and gentler’ evangelicalism seems...
Is Free Will Valuable Enough for God to Permit so Much Suffering?
God cannot actualize a contradiction. Man’s free will and a world without evil are contradictory states, since free will necessarily...
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Foremost, as a Christian, I believe no one is truly “good.” As I said in my post about suffering for Adam's sin, through Adam sin entered...
Why Is It Fair that God Ordered the Killing of Canaanite Children?
The Canaanites were a thoroughly wicked and debased people. They practiced divination, witchcraft and male and female temple sex....
Why Doesn't God Prevent Children from Getting Cancer or Dying of Cancer?
Children suffer and die due to three main causes. First, children suffer and die due to pestilence and disease enabled when the Lord...
Why Do People Suffer for a Sin Adam Committed So Long Ago?
The Bible teaches that intimate fellowship with God was broken when Adam and Eve made the free choice to eat from the tree of the...
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