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Does the Bible Say Anything About God Being Perfect?
As has been the case lately, I was asked on another forum whether the Bible says anything about God being perfect. Here is my reply:...
Why Would an All-Loving, All-Merciful God Send Atheists and Agnostics to Hell Simply for Using Their
Let me go ahead and apologize for the cumbersome title up front. It was a question posted on Quora that I tackled. Rather than re-word...
How Love, Free Will & Hell Relate to One Another
The following question was posed on an online forum recently: What's the point of God giving us free will while hell exists? Oddly enough...
"What Can I Do to Start Studying Apologetics?"
The question which provides the title for this post comes from Quora, as has the material for a lot of my posts recently. Sometimes they...
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