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Flat Frog Apologetics is my attempt to equip Christians with the tools necessary to defend the Christian faith and worldview, especially in a secular society that attacks belief on so many fronts.


I grew up in Columbia, South Carolina, went to college in Charleston, was a police officer there for several years, and then joined the Air Force. I am currently in Montgomery, Alabama, having retired from the Air Force in November 2014.


During one of the many deployments we seemed to always be on, I borrowed a book by Lee Strobel from a Christian friend of mine. I was blown away when I learned that the Christian faith is robust, supported by evidence, reason and logic that, to me at least, provide overwhelming support for its veracity. It’s not a case that it’s 50.1% more likely true than not, it’s an incredible amount of evidence from science, philosophy, history, and so on, that I believe puts its certainty beyond doubt to any truly objective observer.


Many, if not most, Christians are unaware there are such good arguments in favor of Christianity. I imagine the Christian that sits under a good pastor with a solid theology coupled with good apologetic training. He or she is then well prepared for the onslaught of criticism and questions from family, friends and co-workers. Imagine not being scared of questions. Imagine not being quite as prone to doubt as we all are. Imagine the raised head and squared shoulders of the confident Christian who goes out into the world every day actually prepared to meet these challenges. I hope I can play a part in that.


I knew from the moment I began reading that book I wanted to become an apologist. I had never heard the term before and had no idea there were such programs. An interesting confluence of events put me in the right place at the right time to complete a master’s in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in May 2016. I have been teaching an apologetics Sunday school class at my church for about a year now. I want to do more, so here I am.


I’m not the most technologically astute person. This website may not be its absolute best for a while. Hopefully I will master the steep learning curve rather quickly and create a product that is helpful for you. I am open to suggestions on just how to do that. Social media is also not my strong suit, but I am looking to create a presence there as well. So please bear with me as I get my feet under me.


Flat Frog Apologetics… really? Why Flat Frog? I had been trying my best to come up with a name. I wanted it to center around thinking well and using logic and reason and so on, to demonstrate from the get-go that logic, reason and faith are not incompatible. Oh I came up with all kinds of pretentious sounding names, like Acuity Apologetics or Sapient Apologetics for instance. Anyone else just throw up a little bit or just me? One day I noticed a frog had gotten squished between my home's front door and doorjamb, and I said aloud to myself, “Uh oh, flat frog… hmmmm, flat frog... the flat frog blog,” and that was it. Why did I say it aloud? Well, because I'm one of those people - I talk out loud to myself more often than I should I suppose.


The name is certainly more lighthearted, I hope more inviting. The subjects we’re going to delve into are heavy enough without the weight of some arrogant sounding site name added to the mix. So stick around, see what’s on tap. And if there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.


Soli Deo gloria


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